Radius Anti-Lag
A nice texture that changes the blocks in your game, leaving everything with a simpler and more beautiful downloading and adding the anti-lag texture to your game on global resources.
This texture was made for those who don't have a good cell phone, even more after these big updates that have been weighing the game even more, but your problems are solved with this texture (at least a little), I basically recolored the minecraft blocks and the I left it as simpler, and to help get more fps I removed the particles from the game, you can see some images of how the environment was after the texture is applied:
Please don't steal it, it seems simple to do this but it's a lot of work having to redo the textures, so if you're recording or publicizing leave the credits to me, you can change the textures only for your personal use.
Updated Featured image,added most textures for blocks and updated description for help best.