RalphOfficial’s Vanilla Ore Borders!
YOLO. Its me again. Your weekly submission ice cream man. And today I bring you another overlay pack! Why? Cuz I feel like there is a lot of people nowadays who just want vanilla minecraft with just some default tweaks. That is why I have brought you guys, RalphOfficial’s Vanilla Ore Borders! This is a part of a texture pack im working on named Vanilla PvP.
Here are the changes in this pack!
Pictures of pack with natural ore generation!
And that sums up the entire texture pack! Keep in mind that this is an overlay pack! Which means it just changes the ore textures and nothing else!
Anyways, Imma go work on the other 40 million texture packs im working on. Stay Home! Stay Safe! And keep that mask on! Ba Bye!
creator: https://twitter.com/ralphofficial5