Realistic Vanilla - Caves&Cliffs Update! 1.17
This texture pack changes Minecraft to be more realistic, without losing the essence of the game, several mobs have small changes, some Spawn eggs are single look, etc
This is my first project in this theme of Texture Pack, Addons, Maps, etc
Realistic Vanilla is a Texture Pack for Bedrock (and soon Java) that changes textures and models to make them realistic or logical without breaking the decoration, lore, and Vanilla touch of Minecraft.
In blocks, ores have variant textures to make them look natural.

In mobs, the Glow Squid and its items are blue, to resemble the Firefly squid (glowing enope squid) the real Glow Squid.

And in items such as swords, shovels, pickaxes, axes, hoes, and armors have different shapes depending on their material, for color blind people who cannot identify them with the naked eye (I am not color blind but I am aware of the problem of thinking that someone goes with iron and it turns out to be diamond).

Here is a short list of what it comes with:
-Blackstone Blocks
-Soul Lantern
-Ancient Debris
-Music Discs
-Spawn Eggs
-Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Netherite tools
-Chiseled Blocks
-Wither Skeleton
-Enchanting Table
-Prismarine Bricks
-Bone Meal
-Broken Elytra
-Mob Spawner
-Dark Prismarine
-Smithing Table Icon
-Redstone Lamp
-Crimson and Warped Stem
-Soul Campfire
-Magma, Magma cream, Magmacube, Magmacube Spawn
There are more examples like armor, GUI, etc.
Textures by Endmir26
Models by Endmir26
Original music by Spark Wolf

Pd. If you see that there are textures with colors or something that is not in the game vanillla, they are from a mod/addon that planned to do, so you know which ones I'm talking about, a small list.
Mod/addon / Vanilla
-Tungsten/Wolfram: Illagers
-Cobalt: Acacia Door and frame some paintings.
-Azalea Wood: Banner, Icon, and frame of some paintings
-Burned wood: Nether paintings
-Tungsten Axe: Vindicator Spawn
-The background music of the fight against the Ender Dragon was changed to the Broken Heart of End theme from Minecraft Dungeons.
-The background music of the End was changed to the Ethereal Blocks theme from Minecraft Dungeons.
-The End sky is different
-The fog in Warped Forest, Crimson Forest, Soul Sand Valley, and Basalt Deltas changed, along with the paint where they are (and a biome from my mod).
-The ingots are back to the same vanilla shape, but with details to identify them.
-Deepslate, Polished Blackstone and Deepslate, and Gilded Blackstone minerals changed from the top.
-Amethyst variants removed
-Totem was changed from silver to palladium.
-Wooden planks have unique patterns to make them more identifiable.
-Ender Dragon head fixed
Known errors that I will fix later:
-The Glow Squid gets green ink, even if you know how to fix it
-Leather armor (items and armor) do not have the color of new leather
-The Ender Dragon has a bug with its tail spikes
-Particles of rain, snow, and Nether biomes are not visible (a bug in 1.17.10).
Just click on the link, then download and go, it's a direct link 🙂