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Realms Hider
Has it ever happened that because of the Realms button you accidentally opened the world of Minecraft? Or maybe this button just annoys you? Then, I, Zgoly, came up with a cool solution! I present to you my new texture pack, which remove the annoying button with the acquisition of realms.
This resource pack does the only thing - it removes the realms purchase button in the world selection menu.
Below will be shown an example "before / after".


Also, on the screenshots you can see a resource pack from Bedrock Tweaks with a dark theme, and as you can see, both resource packs work great together!
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- 7. Rename file in any file manager and remove the ".zip" on the end of file name (If you do not have ".zip" skip this step)
- 8. Open file to import Resourse Pack in minecraft
Topic starter Posted : 06/07/2021 4:57 pm