ReStand realistic Armor stand texture pack mcpe
YO yo yo what's up Im back from my rest, today i want to give you my random project lol. yea, its an armor stand. but this is pure from OBJ. so its real !. in this first version its only have one models as white male mannequin. this is just a test. i will pick all request from you all and choose which one the best for the next update so comment down below your favourite anime or game character and i will add the model in the next update !. so without much talking i will present to you the "ReStand armor stand"

FR yea this is the texture pack
there is no fps drop because i tried it already on my
phone which is very low spec. you could use this in
global recourses too !. There is no behavior pack needed
so this is pure armor stand replace model texture pack
request you favourite anime or game character for the next update in the comment section
before you kids asking what shader im using. Its not a shader okay so stop DM me for shader link. And i repeat once again, you can request for your favourite anime or game character as a armor stand in the next update in the comment down below.
Reupload or sharing other link is prohibited !. dont modificate this texture code or gonna ruin the model. DO not claim this addon and say that this addon is yours changing texture of this addon is allowed. make a youtube review is allowed but still give credit to me or this page
this addon is not originated by me. i specially credit my friend Roi1376 for helping me in converting and code this addon for me.
creator: MTone