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MCPE/Bedrock Rivers Plus+ Texture Pack -Kelp Forest Update!

Illustrious Member Admin

Rivers Plus+ Texture Pack -Kelp Forest Update!

This small texture pack aims to make your rivers look better by enhancing the textures and models of the river related foliage. It adds flowers to lilypads, makes sugar canes 3d, adds cattails and more cool stuff!


There are two versions of this texture pack; Fused's Rivers Plus which has enhanced textures for some blocks and Vanilla Rivers Plus which has vanilla textures.

Lily pads:

They have a new texture with a bunch of variants and they also have flowers on top of them which also have different variants. There can be a total of 56 different variations of lilypads with and without flowers!

•Fused's lilypads:


There is a rare chance for a giant lily pad to spawn.


•Vanilla lilypads: 

Giant lilypad:

Kelp/Kelp Forests:

Kelp has a new bushier model and can be with or without flowers. Kelp forests look more beautiful than ever!


Sugar canes: 

•Fused's sugar canes:

3d and also have a completely new texture.


•Vanilla sugar canes:

They are also 3d but have the vanilla texture.


Seagrass now resemble cattails which have different variants and it now has a taller model which sticks out of water.

Transparent water:

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Terms of use!

  • If you want to use this pack in a video, then share the LINK TO THIS PAGE, NOT the direct link or any custom link.
  • You are not allowed to use any of the textures, code or to modify this pack, except for personal use.
  • You are not allowed to publish this on ANY other website without my permission.

If you do not follow, I WILL find you and sue you. 

Please report any bugs, give suggestions or contact me on my Youtube: @FusedBolt or Discord: fusedbolt


v1.7 Introducing a new model and blockshape for Kelp! It features a bushier model with different variants: less bushy, more bushy, with flowers, without flowers.

-Kelp forests have been overhauled

Topic starter Posted : 03/10/2021 4:04 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 20/01/2025 10:43 pm