Saturated Nature
This set of textures makes nature more saturated. This is an expanded version of my old "green grass" texture pack, where there was only grass and foliage, but here I added blocks of moss, azaleas, big dripleaf end small dripleaf. With these textures, the game looks fresher than the slightly gray textures as in the standard game.
terrain screenshots

savannah biome screenshots

taiga biome screenshots

all blocks

added a detailed description of how to download the texture pack from linkverize with screenshots of the steps to get the texture pack
replaced the link to the full texture pack version because of some problems with it
When you click on a link, you may sometimes be prompted to download a browser or something else, DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING.
How to download properly:
step 1

step 2

step 3

step 4

step 5

step 6
you can choose red or white lettering, white lettering is recommended
