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MCPE/Bedrock Scrambled Textures Joke Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Scrambled Textures Joke Pack


Honestly, this is a pack to recommend to that one annoying friend who is obsessed with texture packs, or if you just want a small challenge in Minecraft. This is less of a texture pack and more of just leaving the texture pack window up at night and then your cat decides to roll over your keyboard and mess with the mouse. The next day you wake up, import the pack, and find scrambled textures and item naming. Enjoy!



To start off, the regular stone texture has been casted aside to give diorite a chance in the spotlight. So their two textures, and any relating textures (smooth, mossy, cobble) have swapped places! That means their roles have swapped too.

Some ores have also decided to swap places in terms of textures. I think this one can go without explain the outcomes.

Instead of just swapping the textures, some of the redstone component textures have been reversed and mangled. Meaning that build a contraption will be just that much harder.

It just seems that you can no longer trust anything anymore. Especially when it comes to caving. It can literally end in a scenario where you are fighting fire with fire. (Hint: avoid glowing water)

Now, you might think that it is now easier to find ores since they still have the stone texture, well, diamonds do not. In fact, you now have to look harder for diamonds by looking for diorite with blue accents.

Now, there are still a few things that I do not want to spoil for… whoever gets tricked into using this pack. So just be on the lookout.

Note: This pack was made on and for the windows 10 PC edition. However, this pack should work on other editions (not tested).

Other Note: The pack may not load all the textures if this is not set as your global resource pack.

Other Note Too: Incase you want to addon on to this pack for your own personal use, the .zip pack has been linked as well as the ready to import .mcpack. However, I do ask that you credit me if you wish to distribute your edited pack.

Last Other Note: If you are unable to edit the pack or are unaware how to, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments of this page.

creator: IonicXHaze


Topic starter Posted : 05/01/2021 3:57 pm