Simplified Textures •
Well, do you want to make your world minimalistic? Then this should be a great resource pack for you! This resource pack changes your textures to be less in-detail but still achieve that vanilla look.
Welcome to Simplified Textures! This resource pack aims to make your world and minimalistic yet still achieve the vanilla-look for you.
(take note that this is still in-development and not all textures are finished and also take note that these textures are subjected to change.)
Pixly for image editing, QuickEdit for file editing, and ES File Explorer for moving images to the resource pack.
See the full change-logs at Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Simplified/Changelogs and find the build number you wanna see it's change-log.
This is the first developer preview of Pixel Update and sadly, Endless Void update is now cancelled but the updates from that version will be included in the Pixel Update. Enjoy! :>
Grass Block
•Revamped and now looks more like vanilla.
Dirt Block
•Now appears to have more texture and more to the vanilla style.
Mycelium, Podzol, Grass Path
•Now overhauled and now resembles more of the vanilla-style.
Powder Snow
•Increased brightness and decreased saturation to the dark spots in the texture, making it blend more seamlessly to the snow.
Grass and Tallgrass
•Now overhauled and closely resembles the vanilla-style.
Dirt with Roots
•Now overhauled and now resembles more of the vanilla-style.
Sculk Shrieker, Sculk Catalyst, Sculk Block, Sculk Vein, Sculk Sensor
•All of those are now overhauled but still subject to change in the future.
Touch Controls
•Now overhauled again, plus support for the new experimental touch control schemes. (broken right now so it's not used by default)
Echo Shard
•Now overhauled.
Amethyst Block, and Amethyst Cluster
•Now overhauled again.
Bucket of Tadpole
•Now overhauled.
Mangrove Sign, Birch Sign, Jungle Sign, Dark Oak Sign, Oak Sign, Spruce Sign, and Acacia Sign item textures
•Now overhauled again.
End Portal Frame
•Now overhauled.
Azalea and Flowering Azalea
•Now overhauled (flower pot variant will be soon)
End Rod
•Now overhauled.
End Stone
•Now overhauled.
Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Emerald Ore, Redstone Ore, Lapis Ore, and Diamond Ore
•Now overhauled again.
•Now overhauled again.
Diorite, Andesite, and Granite
•Now overhauled again.
Polished Diorite, Polished Andesite, and Polished Granite
•Now overhauled again.
•Item texture now no longer uses the old chest texture.
Trapped Chest
•Changed slightly and no longer uses the old trapped chest texture in the inventory.
Soul Fire and Fire
•Now overhauled.
Torches, Soul Torches, and Redstone Torches
•Now overhauled again.
Water, Cauldron Water, and Lava
•Are now overhauled.
Chiseled Deepslate
•Now overhauled.
Deepslate Bricks, Cracked Deepslate Bricks
•Now overhauled.
Deepslate Tiles, Cracked Deepslate Tiles
•Now overhauled.
Download a stable version of Simplified Textures. After downloading, import it to Minecraft/Minecraft Beta/Minecraft Preview by clicking on it or renaming the end of the MCPACK file from .mcpack to .zip and extract it. Then place it on internal storage/Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/(create folder here) then put the files into the created folder and then run Minecraft/Minecraft Beta/Minecraft Preview