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MCPE/Bedrock SketchClient V1 [BETA]

Illustrious Member Admin

SketchClient V1 [BETA]


Hello! This is SketchClient It’s the client that doesn’t Increase FPS but instead adds Cool, awesome and unique Features- Most Never Seen in any other Client Like, Controller Keystrokes, Spinning Throwable items and more!


Sketch Client is Designed to be added to any texture pack without messing with the textures, removing features, obstructing the screen, being annoying or heavily branding. Sketch Client doesn’t focus on FPS but instead focuses on Cool and useful features, like Controller Keystrokes, FreeCam Stick Lite, Waypoints and more!

This client isn’t just ment for Controller users But the Controller Keystrokes are, With Controller Keystrokes You can choose from 3 Different types of Controller Keystokes in the Subpacks on the Client

– Traditional Keystrokes


– Left Stick Keystrokes


– Touch Keystrokes (Just design Not actually for touch users)



Controller keystrokes in use:


Controller Keystrokes can be activated and deactivated in game by going to setting and clicking the Sketch client settings


Controller Keystrokes Move with display what direction you are moving your left joystick simalar to wasd on a keyboard (keyboard not yet supported with Controller Keystrokes)

Sketch Client is the first EASILY INSTALLABLE CLIENT that includes Keystrokes Just for Controller

Sketch Client doesn’t just include Keystrokes though Sketch client adds Features like FreeCam Stick Lite-

Just hold a Stick, Go in Third person and your Set!!


Sketch Client adds Waypoints- With waypoints you can mark your location this can be used in Skywars Trapping, Building marking dimensions, getting exact coords etc


For information on how to set up a waypoint go to the SketchClient Settings and scroll down this gives you a Short guide on how to set up your own waypoint and more client features (Needs Update)


Some small features sketch client adds is 

– / # / # / # / Coords

– Spinning Thowable items

– Glowing Thowable items




More settings and features will be added to SketchClient Soon but those are all features so far

This Pack was Tested on:

IOS- Latest Version

Xbox- Lastest version

Don’t steal this pack, this was made 95% by hand and none of the code here should be stolen, copied or looked though. This pack has Code that is easily identifiable 


Also to y’all in the Comments who understand that’s it’s a texture pack- understand it’s just the name of the pack, SketchClient it’s not an actual Client and it will not get you banned, so don’t worry and don’t give it negitive reviews because it’s “A Texture pack not a Client”

Thanks to-


Elwaer M – For Controller Keystrokes inspiration


Coptaine Siemessi – For Spinning Thowable items inspiration & Waypoint inspiration


Dark Gato MC – For Glowing Thowable items inspiration & Just being a great guy


Chainsketch – Sketch Client Creator, Texture Designer, and Coder


My Channel:



                                    My IGN:              




Fixed problem with waypoints sometimes not rendering

new pack icon



Topic starter Posted : 17/12/2020 2:58 pm