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Skybox / Cubemap fix for RenderDragon
Do you hate how Cubemaps / Skyboxes always look bad on Minecraft Bedrock edition despite looking fine on java? Well fear not! This shader aims to fix this problem once and for all.
By @Furzide
This shader works by moving the position of the Cubemap down so it is fully centred and matches Optifine cubemaps on java edition.
- No more cubemaps that look like they came out of a 1 dolla cereal box from CVS.
Here is the before and after from the installation of this shader.


This isn't working on my Minecraft version!
- Make sure you are using a version of the MCBE with the RenderDragon engine. All windows 64-Bit versions after 1.16.200 use the RenderDragon engine. x86 Versions after 1.18.30 use the RenderDragon engine. All recent mobile builds of Minecraft use the RenderDragon engine. Older versions may not have it. If you don't have RenderDragon, please use an alternative shader, such as the one from CrisXolt.
How do I install shaders for RenderDragon?
- Windows: find the path where your game is installed. Navigate to data\renderer\materials and place the bin file/s in that folder. A step-by-step guide can be found here.
- Android: you must modify the APK file. Use an APK editor app or open the APK in a zip viewer, navigate to assets\renderer\materials and replace the bin file/s with the one/s provided. Install your modified APK.
- You can use also use BetterRenderDragon to load RD shaders as a resource pack. (Windows)
- There are patched APKs available that allow RenderDragon shaders via a resource pack, but I cannot share links to APK files here. You can find Patches in the YSS discord server.
- share the shader privately with friends, although I would prefer you to share this link.
- modify the shader (if you want to contribute to making this shader better, contact me!)
- make content and videos reviewing this shader, please credit me if you do.
- Claim this shader as yours.
Topic starter Posted : 02/01/2024 6:09 pm