Skyrim Add-on (Alpha)
This add-on makes your Minecraft a bit like Skyrim. An Dovahkiin's helmet (iron helmet from Skyrim) and a real Thu'um (Storm voice) appear in the game (new things coming soon). Feel like a dragonborn!
At the moment, this add-on includes two things: Dovahkiin's helmet and Unrelenting Force Thu'um.
Dovahkiin's helmet
To create a Dovahkiin's helmet, you need 3 iron ingots and 2 leathers.

It has 160 durability and can be repaired with iron ingots.

This helmet is needed to use Thu'um
Thu'um (or Storm Voice) is Dovahkiin's majestic ability. So far, it is represented only by a shout "Fus Ro Dah" (Unrelenting Force).
To use this ability, you must equip a Dovahkiin's Helmet and press Shift + Space.
This force rejects, inflicts minor damage and slows down all the entities in front of you.
Thu'um can destroy items on the ground in the area of action.
More things in the future
Download link now changed.
Note: create a copy of the world before adding this add-on.
Have fun!

Turn on this switches in the world seеtings.
creator: Jivk