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Slightly Better Foliage Colors
Have you ever looked at Minecraft's grass and been annoyed at the lack of hue-shifting? No? Well, have you ever wondered why all leaves use Forest colors when held? Or been irritated at the sides of Grass Blocks just being the wrong color sometimes? Well, this pack fixes all of that! Slightly.
- Grass Sides Fix. No longer do biome transitions look like garbage on Bedrock Edition.

- Hue shifting. It's subtle, but it's more noticeable in-game, and as an artist, I think it helps.

- Better Fast Leaves. I've always thought they looked weird with Fancy Leaves turned off.

- Also, leaves use colors more representative of their home biomes in the inventory and when held.
creator: Cornbread~💜
Download and open the MCPACK file.
Alternatively, download and extract the ZIP file, and move the resulting folder to your resource packs folder.
There is no difference in content between the files.
Topic starter Posted : 08/01/2023 3:19 pm