Soapy's Vanilla Tweaks
tweaks to some textures that'll prob improve gameplay experience, (just typing for filler cuz i need like 30 words here to upload file, i should have enough, nvm 3 more)
3D Sun And Moon - Sun And Moon Re-textured to give the illusion of being 3D

Different Stems - changes melon and pumpkin stems to reflect to colour of their fruit
Golden Crown - Re-textures the golden helmet to look like a crown
Variated bookshelves - BookShelves will be randomized using a Selection of 7 textures
Peace And Quiet
Quieter Ghasts Villagers and Minecarts - makes them more quiet
Hunger preview- Displays Hunger Bar icons on all food names to show how much it will fill you up.
Sticky Piston Sides - Slime on the sides of Sticky Pistons to allow players to easily differentiate them from regular pistons.
Directional Hoppers - Gives Hoppers arrows on their top and sides to indicate which direction they are facing
Directional Observers -Gives all sides of the Observer block directional indicators which show where Redstone signal will go

Brewing Guide - Adds a cheat sheet to the Brewing Stand interface.
Clean Glass - Gets rid of the streaks in Glass, making it look cleaner (also applies to Stained and Tinted glass)
Lower Shield - Lowers Shields in the first person perspective to provide for wider visibility.
No Spyglass Overlay - Removes the Spyglass overlay completely when zooming in.
No Vignette - Removes the darkened corners of the screen that occur in darker areas when graphics are set to 'fancy'.
Plus Dot Crosshair - Changes the + crosshair to a plus with a dot in the middle.
Wither Hearts - Makes Hearts more visible when under the 'Wither' effect.
Quick Crafting - Adds a button to stack craft items in the inventory, crafting table, stonecutter, and trade faster with villagers.
Chat Tweaks - Allows mobile users to easily tab and move between previous and next messages sent in chat and command blocks.
Trading Helper - Makes all locked trades visible and allows to see the locked item names and enchantments.

Java Boom - Gives Explosion particles their texture from Minecraft: Java Edition.
creator: SoapySooWavy