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MCPE/Bedrock Spectacular PvP Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Spectacular PvP Pack

Hello Everyone. This is a MCPE Texture Pack. A lot of people say that MCPE PvP Texture packs help improve your PvP skills. So I decided to make this Texture pack to help people out. 


• As you can see at the top, the textures on the grass block, is very different compared to vanilla minecraft. This is one of the things included in this texture pack.

• The ores also differ from the usual ones. They have a border outline on each sides.

• The armory in this texture pack also have different textures.

• I also added some changes to the textures for the weapons and equipment. 

• Here's a quick comparison between Stone and Bedrock. 

• I also changed the textures for the wool and added some sound effects.



Nothing changed yet in the pack. I'll update this sooner or later :3


Things to not do:

  1. Refrain from making a video about the pack and not crediting the ORIGINAL creator. (If you do, I will hunt you down and eat your kneecaps :D)
  2. Sending the pack to other sites and not giving credit to the OWNER/CREATOR. (Refer to the end of number one ^-^)

Things to do:

  1. Making a video and crediting the creator of the pack.
  2. Subscribing to the creator lol.
  3. Share the pack to your friends.
  4. Most importantly... ENJOY!
Topic starter Posted : 16/07/2021 4:48 pm