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Stone to Deepslate
1.17 has changed caves and cliffs generation, adds many new blocks such as the deepslate block, and this texture pack changes stone textures to deepslate textures, including ores, stone bricks, and more!
Creator: TheLogicalMine, Twitter
Here is a comparison of the texture pack:
- Vanilla
- Deepslate
It changes textures of:
- Stone to Deepslate
- Iron Ore to Deepslate Variant
- Gold Ore to Deepslate Variant
- Diamond Ore to Deepslate Variant
- Lapis Lazuli Ore to Deepstone Variant
- Redstone Ore to Deepslate Variant
- Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone to Tiled Deepslate
- Smooth Stone to Smooth Deepslate
- Stone Bricks, Mossy Stone Bricks, and Cracked Stone Bricks to Deepslate Bricks
- Chiseled Stone Bricks to Chiseled Deepslate Bricks
Try the Caves and Cliffs Series!
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Topic starter Posted : 01/03/2021 5:20 pm