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Suspicious Marker
In the 1.20 Archeology Update, we were introduced to, two new blocks called "Suspicious Gravel" and "Suspicious Sand." These blocks can sometimes be difficult to find when surrounded by similarly colored blocks, but we can make it easier for players to locate them.
We provided in this pack, a very simple yet very needed addition to these blocks is a simple outline around them.

It is now very easy to spot these blocks when surrounded by there normal counterparts.

This pack creates no lag, and is very small in file size, it is 100% worth it to download this pack.
- The outline remains even if the player is using the brush
- The outline looks natural but still is very easy to spot (point of the texture pack)
Just like any other pack, download
creator: AboMC
Topic starter Posted : 12/06/2023 6:00 pm