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MCPE/Bedrock Sword Bundle Pack v2 (Now with 32x Texture!)

Illustrious Member Admin

Sword Bundle Pack v2 (Now with 32x Texture!)


This is the Sword Bundle Pack!

What is the Sword Bundle Pack?

The Sword Bundle Pack is a very cool resource pack that contains multiple different texture sets for swords in Minecraft! There are a variety of texture sets in this pack, there are example images of all of them below!


This is the Short set, it’s the normal vanilla sword textures, just shortened!


This is the Flat set, it’s like the Short set but the end has a flat look!



This is the Crossworlds set, this is a more fantasy-styled set!


This is the Medieval set, this is a medieval-style for the swords!



This is the Faithful set, it is a 32x texture set for all of the swords!


This pack was created by AsplodingWafflez


Youtube: Asplodingwafflez


Join the discord server to stay updated on new packs and give your input!!!!



v2 Changelog

  • Added 2 new texture sets (Medieval and Faithful)!
  • Added Discord server link to the page!!!!



How to download!

What are the steps?

  1. Click the link depending on what platform you are using. If mobile then the (PE) option will come up.
  2. You will be brought to a website that will have 1 - 2 easy steps to do to get to the download!
  3. After completing, you will be brought to the download!

Comment on any changes you want to see made or if you have any suggestions for this pack 🙂



Topic starter Posted : 20/03/2021 1:08 pm