Taq’s Textures
Hello! My name is TaqqyChips and this was my first ever submission/upload on mcbedrock.com. Previously named “Jelly’s Tool Tweaks”, this is a resourcepack that changes the appearance (textures) of a lot of equipment or items that have something to do with combat.
This is a simple, small resourcepack that changes the textures/appearance of items and equipment that are related to combat. Although it is focused on items related to combat, it still fits in with a perfectly normal Minecraft world! Here are the preview screenshots:
Swords and Armor
I finally made Leather Armor textures! The only armor texture I haven’t made yet is Netherite Armor, but please expect it in a future update. Also introducing “smol swords”, you can choose between the original and the smaller sword textures using the resolution slider.
Here are the Netherite tools, at last! Also changed some of the other tools a bit.
Something that wasn’t in here before, a new Arrow texture, and small labels for the status-effect arrows! I haven’t seen this in other resourcepack before, so I’m just gonna say it’s a new, original idea!
OwO TNT and Misc. Utility Items
Health Bar and Armor Bar
Here’s me holding and wearing equipment with the new textures! You can also see the minor changes I made to the health bar and armor bar on the bottom.
Bow Animation!
I changed the Bow texture a bit, and also gave it a new animation! Here’s a GIF for preview. It’s a bit clonky, but it should suffice.
And that’s about it! Just a little spice in your Minecraft worlds. I, personally, use it when I’m playing SkyWars, but you can really use it anywhere you want. I hope you like this small little pack, and consider giving it a rating! I’m not really active too much, but I will try my best to update as much as I can.
- Small change to arrow texture (the entity that is shot, not the item)
- Forgot to mention in previous changelog that a few status effect icons have new textures (so I'm saying it now)
- Very small changes to the stone sword and tools, because I wasn't really satisfied with them yet
- New subpack, "Smol Swords" that replaces the swords with smol versions
- Finally made Leather Armor textures after about 10 attempts with the stinky TGA files
creator: TaqqyChips