Terracotta to Wool - Eggwars
Do you love Cubecraft's Eggwars but prefer the colourful and soft look and satisfying sound of wool to hard and off-colour terracotta? Well look no further, Terracotta to Wool is the pack for you. Of course, it does not actually change these blocks, since it is only a resource pack, but it just might fool you into thinking that it's actually wool.
Features of this pack:
Slider options:
This option changes all types of terracotta into their matching colours of the vanilla wool texture.
With texture pack:
Without texture pack:
Wool borders:
This option changes all types of terracotta into their matching colours of wool, but with borders around each wool block. (My personal favourite)
Wool skybox:
This is in here just for fun. If you use it unironically there is actually something wrong with you. (you might need to restart your game after turning this on/off)
Pickaxes to shears:
Not to ruin your immersion, I retextured all pickaxes into shears:
Coloured names:
All terracotta blocks and pickaxes have their names written in a colour that matches their texture.
Andesite to light grey wool:
To keep the immersion, I also changed andesite to light grey wool.
All stone sounds were changed to wool sounds.
- Download the .mcpack directly
- Open the file, Minecraft should open
- Wait for Minecraft to install it
- Select which option you want to use with the slider in global resources
It should work on any version and device.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSv7iYZrmQeIfQqXbcgJdcg