TSA (Title Swap Addon)
This addon help you to replace the default title of minecraft to your custom title. By replacing the "title.png" in this location👇 0/games/com.mojang/resource_pack/TSA/textures/ui.
*Replace the default minecraft title.
*New splash text.
*New armor and heart icon.❤️
This picture will show you how this addon works:
If you will use this addon and you dont want splashes you can edit this on settings👇👇👇👇
Just turn it into "no splashes".👇👇👇
You are allowed to ✓:
*Make a video showcasing this addon (credit me in the description)
*Use this addon.
Your not allowed to X:
*Steal this addon.
*Make a direct link just use this link.
*Customize this addon and distribute as yours.
*Bug Fixed
*New heart icon ❤️
*New armor icon
*New splashes
If the file do not extract automatically in the game just extract it on "0/games/com.mojang/resoures_packs. If there's a bug just comment it here.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/f0xb0mb