UnicodeMinecraft (Force Unicode Font in Minecraft Bedrock)
Do you know the feature called "Force Unicode Font" in Minecraft Java? Smaller and smoother than default Minecraft font. But Minecraft Bedrock don't have it, this pack is for you if you want it.
Creator: @tlgm2308 (Twitter)
How this pack works?
UnicodeMinecraft replaces default8.png file, which is the old Mojangles font, with remade smaller and smoother Unicode font from Minecraft Vanilla.
This pack have 2 settings: "Unicode Only" and "Unicode + Noto Sans".
Noto Sans replaces MinecraftTen font, you can see it in Settings/Global Resources, Profile, Emotes screens. Noto Sans is originally available in Minecraft data, so you don't need to install Noto Sans font.
Without UnicodeMinecraft

With UnicodeMinecraft

(Bold texts is glitchy, due to a Minecraft bug)

Sample Texts

Supported Glyphs

How to Play: HUD screen
Unicode + Noto Sans font comparison
(In Emotes screen)

Without Noto Sans

With Noto Sans
Pack Settings
This pack have two settings that you can change in Pack Settings.
Step 1: Press ⚙ next to the "Deactivate" button

Step 2: Swipe the slider

Choose "Unicode + Noto Sans" to use unicode font with an additional of Noto Sans font which replaces MinecraftTen font. Restart game is required, after restart, you will have Noto Sans font.

Choose "Unicode Only" to use only unicode font.
Known Bugs
- If you use bold texts, font may get doubled "bold", this is a Minecraft bug, and is unfixable.
- (Normal) Font may glitchy, not look like nornal Unicode, this is a Minecraft bug, but this can be fixed by changing game's GUI Scale or changing Minecraft game quality to higher (available on some devices).
Original font design by ©Mojang AB, I just remake default8.png and nothing else.
You can use my default8.png in your packs or your projects, as long as you credit me.
v1.0.2 (2021-08-10):
- Redrawn and realigned the following glyphs:
l 1 ∞ | ä Θ ∙ ∅ ⁿ ² ½ ¼ ■ ∙ - Changed my main Twitter account name in pack description to @tlgm2308
- Download the mcpack file leaved below.
- Open the mcpack file you downloaded, game will automatically install.
- Open Minecraft, go to Settings -> Global Resources -> Activate pack
- (Optional) Change Pack Settings
- Exit Settings and play.