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Updated/Enhanced Textures
Note: This pack was made to update a few textures, Not all. Do you think a few textures in Minecraft are a bit bland? Whelp, this is the pack for you!
Okay. to start, Here’s a list of blocks/Items which changed:
- All Planks/Stairs/Slabs/Fences/Pressure Plates
- Diamonds
- a few Ingots (Netherite, Gold, Iron)
- Lapis Lazuli
- Dripping Bee Nest
- Beehive
- Chiseled Stone Brick
- Stone Bricks
- Mossy Stone Bricks
- Path Block
- Raw/Cooked Pork
- Raw/Cooked Beef
- Suspicious Stew
Anyways, Here’s a few images of the major texture updates I’ve made.
The new wood textures:

The new cave resources:

The new Dripping Beehive:

The new Chiseled Stone Brick:

The new Netherite ingot:

Those were the major ones. The minor ones don’t have that much changes; Other than shading or misc reasons.
- Click on the link, You should be ready to Mediafire.
- Click “Download”, once the download has finished downloading, click it.
- If all works, Enable the pack and you’re ready to go!
If it says ‘Level Import Failed’, Read these steps.
- Go to your files app.
- find the file.
- Rename the extension to ‘.zip’
- Rename the extension back to ‘.mcpack.’ Once done.
- Try opening it, It should work.
Topic starter Posted : 07/10/2021 9:26 am