Vanilla Manager - Help your Vanilla Gameplay
Here's a resource pack that will help you and almost all vanilla users.
[no status effect], [short sword and shield], [thin fire]
Apply it to the global resource pack and use it all the time!
no status effect - removes annoying status effect particles
short sword and shield - shortens the height of the sword and shield textures
thin fire - resource pack removes annoying fire texture
This pack contains these 3 packs - [no status effect], [short sword and shield], [thin fire]
Apply it to the global resource pack and use it all the time!
example In-game screenshot:
no status effect - removes annoying status effect particles
before applying
after applying
short sword and shield - shortens the height of the sword and shield textures
before applying
after applying
thin fire - resource pack removes annoying fire texture
before applying
after applying
Q. How is it different from the 3 individual packs?
A. This pack has been added as individual packs will no longer support updates. Also, more and more features will be added through additional updates! Write your feedback or ideas in the comments!
Change the description to make it easier to understand, added quick Q&A.
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