Variation Pack
Minecraft. It has for many years. And the textures of this game have been the same for a very long time. Tired of seeing the same things over and over?
I decided to make the variety of animals, creatures and blocks I expected from Minecraft myself, and such a texture pack came out. It contains variations of almost all the animals, creatures and blocks in the game. Download now and play with pleasure!
Animals and creatures
Bat, bee, blaze, cave spider, chicken, cod, cow, dolphin, drowned, enderman, evocation illager, fox, ghast, guardian, hoglin, husk, iron golem, mooshroom, ocelot, phantom, pig, piglin, piglin brute, pillager, polar bear, pufferfish, ravager, salmon, sheep, skeleton, snow golem, spider, stray, strider, turtle, vindicater, wandering trader, witch, wither skeleton, wolf, zoglin, zombie, zombie pigman, zombie villager
Basalt, grass path, bookshelf, clay, coarse dirt, crops, deadbush, dirt, endstone, grass, huppers, ladder, mossy cobble, netherrack, observers, ores, plants, sand, stone, stonebrick cracked, tallgrass, wart, waterlily
Some animals and creatures
Some blocks