Warden Recrafted
Now scarier than ever!
This pack completely remodels the warden!
I really loved Valerii Kim's warden from Legendary Pack (bedrock marketplace) so I tried to recreate it as faithfully as possible, but without plagiarizing it.
I based mine on kim's design and textures (especially the heart and head) with my own personal touch. It has an animation for the heart beating and tendrils, just like the legendary one!
This is the result, a more buffed and detailed Warden! I hope you like it!

You're able to modify any of it's files FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. Or else ask me 🙂
If you want to use this on your pack/mod/server/video, etc just ask and give me credits, it's all I ask!
If you want to distribute this on another site, YouTube, etc, please always link it to this page only
You're NOT able to claim this pack as yours.
Credits for Valerii Kim, whose warden I took inspiration from. Go check Legendary Pack on the marketplace! It's a really nice and complete texture pack with medieval vibes.
Final note: it's not the same warden!
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creator: KhalMika