Winter Pack | Texture Pack v1 ❄️
Oh, it's winter already and what better way to relax in this cool weather with an amazing winter texture pack! This is "Winter Pack", a wintery texture pack to celebrate Christmas and winter like never before!
Enjoy the beautiful bright colors of the snow and Christmas decorations to spend some time with your friends by the fireplace, campfire or something else,this texture pack includes some Christmas sounds on the minecraft main menu screen so you can hear it if you have the texture pack in global resources, this texture pack also retextures some items like tools, armor, blocks, items etc etc...
Winter Pack is different from other texture packs because it wants to keep a more fun and decorative essence and not just change the colormap and grass, this texture pack has many more designs, decorations, and more beautiful colors than simply changing the color of the minecraft biomes, what are you waiting for start using winter pack and enjoy the bright and colorful atmosphere of snow and its decorations

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This texture pack is made exclusively for this Christmas and New Year, the texture pack will continue to receive updates until the end of the winter season, you can give me your suggestions on what else to add in the comments
Below are some screenshots of what the texture pack looks like inside MC

Important note
This texture pack may have a few bugs because it’s still under development since the old autumn pack was removed we had to redo all the content from scratch so I hope you can support us
1- Download .mcpack
2- Open the file and wait for it to automatically import into Minecraft
3- Activate the resource pack in your world.
If you can’t open the file, you’ll need to download a file explorer from your store.