Wood Plank Chests
Chests have had pretty much the exact same texture for as long as they’ve been in the game. In other words, a very very long time. As such, they’re rather outdated. Their textures are this odd orange-brown and it doesn‘t even match any of the other wood/wood-derived blocks in the game. That’s what I set out to change.
All textures are modified from and/or based off of the official in-game wood plank textures. Subpacks are included for all six wood types and you can choose which one is active using the gear icon when selecting the resource pack.
Textures are included for both single and double chests as well as trapped chest variants.
• Changed resource pack name from Oak Barrel Chests to Wood Plank Chests for the sake of accuracy
• Updated textures to better match the official in-game wood plank textures
• Added subpacks for birch, jungle, spruce, dark oak, and acacia wood
• Updated download links
• Changed the description in accordance with the resource pack changes
• Replaced old images with new updated ones
Either download the mcpack file and click on it to add it to your game or follow the Dropbox link and download the folder containing all the necessary files. Then just place that folder into you resource packs folder. The location of this folder will depend on your operating system.
Windows 10:
/files/on my iphone/minecraft/games/com.mojang/resource_packs