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Avengers: Infinity War UKS City DOWNLOAD!!!

Active Member


"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people. To see if we could become something more. So, when they needed us. We could fight the battles they never could."

Creator: Tpops1998/AtomLogan15
Twitter: @tpops1998
YouTube: Tpops In Minecraft
Instagram: Tpops1998
Email: [email protected]


In honor of the release of Avengers: Infinity War and the 10 year anniversary of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). I have constructed the entire Avengers facility from Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-man, Captain America: Civil War, Spider-man: Homecoming, and Avengers: Infinity War. Also, included in this massive project are: the Milano from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 and Vol.2, a quinjet from several MCU movies, and the Avengers tower from Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: The Winnter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Spider-man: Homecoming, and Avengers: Infinity War.

Finally, after working on this project for 3 months, keeping as much as possible a secret and only revealing very small sneak peeks at my progress, right here, on and on Instagram. The download for the world is finally available to be downloaded and played on multiple times with multiple players, with friends, or even with yourself if you're a lone Minecraft player.

The world download is in a .mcworld file and is around 77 Mbs.

Once, you have downloaded the world. Go into the world settings for the map and turn on the Flow HD resource pack to experience the full effect of the world. FYI, I used Flows HD to build everything on the map since, it makes the city look modern so, some builds may look wierd when using the default resource pack. I also disabled the resource pack so, it would not end up being a big download so, you may download the map quickly.

Enjoy the map and remember to give credit when posting a YouTube video of the map on YouTube!!!


UKS City has come under attack multiple times from alien invasions to robots seeking world domination to tyrants wanting to take people's freedom away to trickster brothers wanting to prove they should rule the earth. The Avengers have set up the facility and tower since, then just outside UKS City to protect it from threats and if they can't protect it, you can be sure they'll avenge it. Now, their greatest, most formidable foe - THANOS, THE MAD TITAN - has arrived and he won't let anything get in his way to complete his mad plan of killing half the universe to "balance" the universe. The Avengers need your help to scavenge the grounds of the facility and search for the six infinity stones - space, reality, power, mind, time, and soul - before Thanos does and completes his genocidal goal. Now, its your turn download the map, open the map, pick an heroic alias, suit up, and join the Avengers in defeating the mad titan Thanos and save the universe. Good luck and AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!

Note: I used dyes to represent the 6 infinity stones. (Blue - space, Red - reality, Purple - power, Yellow - mind, Green - time, Orange - soul)


Once you have spawned in the spawn room. You can get to the Avengers facility by flying straight all the way to the other side of the city until you see Avengers tower or teleport by typing into your chat: /tp @p 1383, 53, -28. This will teleport you to the top of Avengers tower where you will be able to get the best view of the whole area.


  • Avengers Facility
  • Avengers Tower
  • Quinjet
  • Milano
  • Quest for the six infinity stones (side mission)


Note from Creator: Tweet me a photo of you somewhere on the Avengers Facility or tower or Milano. It's your choice. Have Fun!!! - @tpops1998


Topic starter Posted : 22/05/2018 6:47 pm