A Shepherd's Tale
A Shepherd's Tale, by Spiritborn Productions.
We have all been working tirelessly over the last week to give you a new adventure map, please enjoy:
based on the biblical scripture of Luke, chapter 2 verses 8 through 20
An incredibly well-built replica of Bethlehem that will take your breath away with its incredible visuals and scenery.
Insane cutscenes that will make you question how we did this in Minecraft.
Custom NPCs with winding dialogue trees that tell extraordinary stories that will make your heart melt and skip a beat.
And, of course, telling the shepherd's perspective on the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
(We also hid a ton of secrets around the map so make sure to find them all!)
This is our personal feelings and interpretation of this scripture and may not be entirely 100% truly accurate to the letter, so take this map with a grain of salt and read the scripture for yourself, nothing can take the place of God's word.
Made for Minecraft Pocket/Bedrock Edition, for 1.19.51
Will work on Windows 10, Windows 11, Android, IOS, and Nintendo Switch, and SHOULD work (hasn't been tested) on PS4/PS5, and XBOX.
It will work on servers if you give the mod permissions for scripts and I haven't tested it but it might work on realms (just be cautious), best to be played on your device and not on a server or realm.
* Main director
* ideas man
* coder/programmer for the entire thing
* voiced intro
* Also did a lot of design for the groundwork and a couple of the buildings
i make content
* Did most of the house exteriors and almost made a fifth of the map by himself
* absolute giga-chad of a map builder
* also helped with brainstorming the project as a whole
Mando149 and his apprentice Clebs
* Did almost all of the epic mountain terrain and worked on
several houses and decorations throughout the entire map
* (Mando) helped voice the shepherd
* (Mando) also helped with brainstorming the project as a whole
* Did almost all of the house interiors and did a couple of exteriors
* also helped with moral support and ideas and also saved the entire project
* suggested the idea of doing it from the shepherd's perspective
* along with general brainstorming of the project
* Moral support
* ideas (kind of)
* helped place a couple of blocks down
* helped make some skins
* and helped with brainstorming
the project as a whole
Hothypnotist - Did the voice of the angel
Shadow's Mom - Suggested a lot of good ideas
Clebs - Helped Mando with terrain

Text Background Opacity must be 0% (can be found in the Accessibility setting)
Camera Shake must be Enabled (can be found in the Accessibility setting)
FOV must be 70 OR ABOVE (Can be found in Video settings)
All sound sliders (ESPECIALLY music) should be HIGH ENOUGH TO HEAR VERY WELL (Can be found in Audio)
This map was made in a single week by 7 people who all sacrificed a lot to get this out in time, we hope you enjoy this map and hopefully, it changed your perspective at least a tiny bit on the origins and true meaning of Christmas, if you want us to do more maps (because we don't know if we're going to do more of this) then make sure to tell us, I got an email that I'm going to read to my team and probably any comments on my channel about it, speaking of which you can find my teams' youtube channels below, make sure to drop a sub and watch some of their videos because they're the reason this project is even here today. Thank you all for your time and support, and we'll hopefully be talking to you later, Merry Christmas! 😀
ShadowSharkPVP: https://www.youtube.com/shadowsharkpvp
i make content: https://www.youtube.com/@imakecontent8663
Mando149: https://www.youtube.com/@mando1494
Enderking: https://www.youtube.com/@enderkingxl969 & https://www.youtube.com/@dubstepender6044
Crankyc0wz: https://www.youtube.com/@crankyc0wz
Hothypnotist: https://www.youtube.com/@hothypnotist4174
Shadow's email: [email protected]
Shadow's discord: ShadowSharkPVP#3598
If you are making a video on this map, please provide appropriate credits and link to this webpage, it helps us greatly!
DO NOT link to the direct download link, this can seriously hurt us, again, THIS page, not the download after it. THANK YOU
also may contain flashing lights and sudden sounds, please be cautious while playing if you are older or experience epileptic seizures.