Achievement World 1.16
Ever wanted to be able to unlock all the achievements in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition easily? Now you can with this achievement hack world! The map features (almost) all the achievements (even the hardest ones). [Updated for 1.14 and 1.16].
With this hacked world, you can obtain (nearly) all the Minecraft achievements! Just install now and play – the world is already hacked so you don’t have to do anything. At the spawn point you’ll find a chest containing OP gear, and milk (it removes status effects). This map has now been updated to include the 1.14 and 1.16 achievements!
- Stay in survival with cheats off. Changing the gamemode to Creative or enabling cheats will disable achievements, thus defeating the purpose of this world.
- Other than this, it’s your world – feel free to do whatever you want, however please give attribution to The Sonic Master if necessary (e.g: YouTube videos).
- Created by The Sonic Master.
- Tested by SoulDinosaur115
- Thumbnail made by SuperMatCat24.
Known Issues
- Slimes spawn all over this world – watch your back!
- Not all the achievements could be included as it is set in a flat world.
- Other than these, most issues from before have now been fixed, see the changelog below.
1.16 Update!
Yes, the update for the 1.14 and 1.16 achievements is now here, along with numerous other fixes which you can read about in the changelog below.
- Monsters from the outside no longer enter the map due to a cobblestone wall which has been constructed. Note that this doesn't stop slimes.
- Fixed ghast fireball knockback by raising ceiling height of the room.
- Kill a pillager captain is now present, but can only be done once. If multiple people want to do it, the world will need to be re imported.
- Improved items in individual chests for achievements to help make obtaining the achievements (especially when there are multiple players) easier.
- Diamond gear from the spawn can now be upgraded to netherite using the smithing table available there.