
MCPE/Bedrock APOCAL...
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Illustrious Member Admin



Hello all. Sorry if I have not posted a map for some time. I want to introduce you to my new map. Scroll for description. I will tell you all what this map is about. XD

After the nuclear war, earth filled by radiation, government has gone, many people died. Many things were abandoned. Some of the survivors are trying to build a shelter. You and RISALZI (NPC you can credit me and ask something with this NPC), have built a shelter too. Now you and RISALZI are safe and you want to build a portal a different dimension. After you and RISALZI go through the portal you spawned in a cave and you find a place filled with ash and blackstone, outside of the cave.


Hello again. Okay, this map is a creation map but I have a story for this map (see above).

This map does not include too many things, but I will update this map (if I am not too busy).

-outside  (you can go out,go inside the shelter or to greenhouse)-inside (maybe i Will add some new interior for the update)-workshop-storage room (fell strange about the sword name?,the reference of the name is from a traditional weapon from Indonesia,so if you want to know about what is the name of the sword, translate it from Indonesia to English)-green house (i Will make it bigger in the update,maybe i add any plant like carrot,potato in the greenhouse)

What about the portal? Well, I’m not building anything in the Nether but remember, I will update this map and you can’t play pure survival (without cheat) in this map. Tell me what I should build in the Nether for the update.


And also, you can contact me on Facebook if you want (please don’t). Ok, enjoy the map now and then post a comment. Let me see what you felt after playing the map XD.

Maybe I will add some little quest or plot to this map in the update if I can, so stayed tuned XD.


Thankyou for downloading the map XD,i appreciate it,remember i Will updated this map.and i want to say




Translate it to English XD



Just click the file,and then it Will automatically imported to your Minecraft


Enjoy it XD

creator: RISALZI


Topic starter Posted : 12/11/2020 6:12 pm