Breaker VS Runner
Breaker VS Runner is a fun little minigame map made by EatNYeet, PointFixed, and magicexplosion9. So if you’re looking for a little uncommon minigame of its own concept, this is for you!
Breaker VS Runner is a map with 2 roles: Breaker and Runner. The Breaker’s goal is to make the runner fall, whether it’s by punching them into surrounding lava or breaking the bedrock near the Runner. You may hit the Runner off, or you may break the blocks beneath their feet. The fun part about being the Breaker? You get to be invisible! So not only are you attempting to kill all Runners, you get to troll them in almost every way you can imagine! I admit, it’s kind of like The Floor Is Lava, but it’s still pretty fun with the stopwatch and the effects!
The Runner’s role is self-explanatory, but to sum it up, you pretty much just avoid death. Not enough description for you? Well, the Runner gets Speed and Jump Boost 10 to help them! Be careful, though. They can be both a blessing and a curse. There is also a stopwatch in seconds (Your XP bar) for each individual Runner so that you can compare times alive as well! See who’s better at surviving!
Once you die as a Runner, you get sent to the spectating area! You can spectate the rest of the match and watch your other friends struggle to avoid falling off, maybe even see them do some cool tricks or see hilarious deaths! Almost anything goes!
Bored with the map? Well, grab some more friends! This map will support as many players as Minecraft allows! Want a small twist? Have multiple Breakers and less Runners! It makes for good fun. ? Also, please note that sadly, yes, breakers are actually able to break the map, so please don’t do it! It ruins the game for everyone. There’s nothing to see outside of the map. Also, please note that I use a texture pack, so you may not get the exact same results as I did when taking screenshots. Bottom of the map, message in case a Runner fallsThe platform area, where you play the game. Floor is made out of bedrock so that the Runner cannot destroy it.
Choose a side area. (In spawn)
Spectator area
Scroll down for the installation details and guide.
Edited the description to make it more organized
Edited the description for different wording
Interested in downloading? Great! Go on ahead and download it! Since it is a .mcworld, you can play, no matter what platform! Download and open the file, and the world will import automatically!
creator: EatNYeet