
MCPE/Bedrock GO - G...
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MCPE/Bedrock GO - Get Out (extraction shooter)

Illustrious Member Admin

GO - Get Out (extraction shooter)

Blocky EXTRACTION SHOOTER with gameplay elements of "Ready Or Not" and "Escape from Tarkov". This is a fully functional game with custom maps and custom gun add-on in 16×16 resolution. 

GO - Get Out

(includes arbitrary violence and blood!)

Get Out is suited for multiplayer and singleplayer. When playing alone, a team of controllable NPC-teammates is added to your squad. Customize your loadout in an intuitive way. Do your best to survive and exit alive with valuable loot. You can call a helicopter at any time while being outside to extract!

Picture above: This is how your basic equipment kit could look like.


  • Singleplayer/Multiplayer PvE
  • Customizable Guns/Equipment
  • Command your NPC squad
  • Survive enemies & fight Bosses
  • Rescue civilians
  • Collect, craft and sell loot
  • Extract via helicopter: At your wish
  • Equipment is lost when you die
  • Performant gun addon

This game is about rescuing people and survival. Try your best to free hostages, never shoot them yourself!

However, don't underestimate hostile NPCs! They use the same strong equipment as players. That's where your tactical options come in place:

  • Sneak to reduce visibility, command your teammates or the enemy (hands up!) and disorient people by throwing grenades.
  • You should tie up attackers once they surrender.

Picture above: Bosses are strong enemies. They carry special equipment, have individual abilities and more health.


Zombies Artifact:

The goal of this gamemode is to locate an artifact and then extract via helicopter at a predefined position. Both, the location of the artifact and the exit point can be found one after another by using a GPS-Tracking device.


Zombies ("Shrooms") are implemented into the game in a way that tactics are mandatory to succeed. Most zombies spawn in a stunned state, that allows players to pass them even by walking without being noticed. However, a few are awake and will move from time to time. They can detect players that are not sneaking/all players that are too close to them. When detected, all zombies are notified of the player's presence.


Considering your limited ammo and the unending amount of zombies, it is advised to avoid fights and rather run & hide. Zombies can loose track of you again.

Mutants are not ment to be killed at all. Just run. 

Picture above: The Artifact-gamemode (currently called: "Zombies"). Avoid zombie fights, locate the artifact and extract at a defined position.



The game has only one difficulty for all players currently. The only variation comes from the map. Please make use of the fact that this is Minecraft to reduce difficulty for you.


  • Activate 'keep inventory'
  • Get equipment (kits) from creative
  • Golden apples/effects


Guns are the primary tool to defend yourself. You need a full magazine of the right caliber to make them work . Reload them by shooting the clip empty. Weapons can be customized with scopes, silencers and laser sights, as well as magazin size and ammo strength. Please look which attachments are available for your gun.

Guns are coded lightweight and have not a high performance cost compared to other gun addons.


However, they have one major issue, resulting from the system I use to make them work: Data is stored for every weapon type, not for individual items (carrying two times the same gun is impractical, both share the same ammo count).


There is a small variety of guns available.



Health is slightly more complex compared to vanilla Minecraft: You get hungry faster and melee attacks cause bleeding injuries that need special treatment. Taking a lot of damage can also result into bone fractures. Fractures cause permanent slowness and reduce your max. health.

Medical items are used to treat different injuries:

  • MEDKIT: Restores health
  • FIRST AID KIT: Restores health and removes bleeding effect
  • BANDAGES: Remove bleeding effect
  • SURGICAL KIT: Treats bone fractures
  • SURVIVAL KIT: Restores health and removes bone fractures



You will get money from looting & selling items in-game. Safes can contain rare valuables. Sell items in the crafting tab.



FARM: An improvised military camp positioned close to farmland and storage buildings.

Gamemode: open game

SHORE: This small coastal town features mixed urban and natural terrain and dangerous boss entities.

Gamemode: open game


DUSK: shady forest, surrounded by a coastline, agriculture and industrial parks.

Gamemode: locked

Picture above: Upcoming map update for dusk. Still under construction.


Bullet Damage:

Guns make use of the existing damage calculation of Minecraft to justify auto-fire.

Each bullet deals randomized damage. After being hurt, an entity gets a short immunity. During this time the only damage that counts is the one exceeding the damage value of the former hits. An example will help you understand:


Imagine you shoot a salvo of three bullets, each dealing random damage. Your first shot deals 4 damage. The second bullet of your salvo theoretically deals 19 damage. The damage that is exceeding the first shot is applied to the target during immunity:

19 - 4 = 15.

Altogether the entity took 19 damage from this salvo's first two bullets so far. The third shot is only dealing 11 damage, thus does not count as it is not high enough to exceed the prior damage:

11 - 19 < 0.


Consequences of this damage system are:

  1. Unreliability. Single shots can deal high OR low damage (imagine your bullet randomly hits a lethal OR non-critical part of an entity). Auto-fire deals more reliable damage
  2. Damage Cap. Auto fire can only deal a limited amount of damage within each immunity period. But the more bullets, the higher the chance of you dealing max. possible damage altogether. In short: in a salvo only the bullet with the highest damage counts.
  3. Salvos. Considering limited clip size, it's advised to avoid full auto fire and instead shoot salvos.


The damage range depends on the caliber: E.g. 

  • SMG Ammo (.45)  -  Damage: 1 - 23
  • Sniper Ammo (.338)  -  Damage: 37 - 50

Damage also depends on the ammo strength: E.g.

  • 7×62 mm  -  Damage: 8 - 31
  • 7×62 mm AP  -  Damage: 18 - 37



This map will get at least one more update! Update v5 is already in the making. A small preview of exciting future content: 

  • 1911 Pistol
  • Milkor MGL
  • 5.56×45 mm M995
  • Dusk: massive map extension



* Not everything shown in this post is available for you.


Created by me, DT. since 2023


Metal Cover of "Concrete Whispers" by Carimabdala, Provided by Bazingarrey (YT):

Voices (edited): Elevenlabs, Audicity 

Other sounds were taken & edited from various sources.

This is a hobby project and not monetized.




This map is making use of player.json. please remove custom global behavior packs that would interfere.

It is advices to enable the video setting 'camera shaking'. 

creator: DeathlyTroll

This topic was modified 2 weeks ago by McBedrock
Topic starter Posted : 28/08/2024 3:00 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 25/02/2025 4:01 pm