
MCPE/Bedrock Half H...
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MCPE/Bedrock Half Heart Hardcore (HHH)

Illustrious Member Admin

Half Heart Hardcore (HHH)

Welcome to Half Heart Hardcore (HHH) a Survival Hardcore type map, in which your objective is to complete the game, that is, to kill the Ender Dragon, with only half a heart of life.


(You can also find it on the map) 

(A) Difficulty
You can configure how you want to play the map, there are 4 basic difficulties, so you can play with greater difficulty if you wish. The four difficulties that are available are: 
 Easy: It's the usual HHH, hardcore Minecraft with a half heart, with the addition that the coordinates will activate 5 minutes after starting. 
 Normal: All the features of Easy mode, with the addition that the coordinates will not be activated at any time. 
 Hard: All the features of the Medium mode, with the addition that you will not be able to find Loot in chests or minecarts. 
 Insane: All the features of Hard mode, with the addition that you will NOT be able to craft Shield. 
 Random Difficulty: It is the difficulty that is selected by default, when starting the game one of the 4 previous difficulties will be selected at random.


(B) Additional Information 
At the beginning of the game, a TP will be made at random, so it is very likely that the area will take a long time to load and you will be very laggy. To solve this, it is as simple as leaving and entering the map again, obviously once the TP has been done. 
If you play with friends, you should wait for your friends to automatically TP to your position after starting the game, otherwise you could crash the system.

The map can be played both in multiplayer and alone, if you play in multiplayer it will be necessary that all the players with whom you are going to play are connected at the moment of pressing the Play button. 

If you are interested in Speedruning the map, or something similar, it will not be necessary for you to set a stopwatch manually, since it will always be counted from the map itself, and it will notify you of the time you have survived when you die, or the time you have slow to win.

It is highly recommended before starting to play, make several copies of the map, since once you die, you will not be able to continue playing in the same world. By making copies of the world, you can continue playing without having to install the map several times.


(In this image you can see what the gameplay of the map would be like)

If you are going to upload a gameplay of the map to YouTube or Twitch leave the Link to my channel in the description please ^^

If you are going to put the map to download anywhere else, I ask you to put the link to the blog instead of putting the direct Link to Mediafire, thanks 😉

Map created by:

You can find my YouTube channel here :D!


Topic starter Posted : 13/10/2021 2:04 pm