Medieval Realm/Server
¿Qué pensarías si te dijera que puedes instalar un mapa y ponerlo en un servidor o Realm y estaría listo para que los amigos/usuarios puedan jugar libremente sin que tú hagas nada? Pues aquí te traigo este fabuloso mapa de Medieval Realm , Lo amarás.
You can use this map in your realm or in your Server without problem, it contains all the following.
Here all players can build their kingdoms, explore terrain and more.
Here would be the store where you will find things that can help you in your adventure. like Golden Apples, Totems and much more.
3.-Rank Store.
In this store you can buy different Ranks from the Veteran to the most Op.
4.-Kit Store.
In Kit Store you can buy some Kit to help you on your adventure.
5.-Farm Store.
In the Farm Store you can find things like Spawners of some animals that will help you and you can sell all your Loot in this store.
6.-Enchantment Shop.
En la Tienda de Encantamientos podras encontrar los Encantamientos mas top pero eso si, nesesitas mucho dinero
Ten cuidado en esta parte, aqui encontraras diversos monstruos y entre mas tiempo pases aqui, mas dificil sera sobrevivir.
Y aqui tenenos las Mians, ojo que aqui no todas las minas puedes entrar, solo esta disponible 1 , las demas nesesitaras un rango exclusivo para entrar.
9.Interactive Menu.
The map contains a Menu system so that you can easily teleport, this menu is activated by dropping the item from your hotbar, but if you don't know very well how to do it, you can watch this video.
10.- City/Lobby Kattegat
Where all the players will appear and there you can also go to all the different areas of the Realm.
It's all completely multiplayer.
Just download, unzip and open with Minecraft, if you don't know how to do it right, you can watch this video.