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MCPE/Bedrock Mine York City

Illustrious Member Admin

Mine York City

The City of Mine York, Designed for Minecraft.

One of the oldest Minecraft worlds still maintained by the creator, Mine York has evolved with the game. Ever since it’s creation in 2011 on a 256×256 seed, the city continues to amaze players of a New York based map imagined by a New York based builder built specifically to fit the scale of Minecraft.



This is an update, version 11.0.0, with a plethora of new features.

Nether Island and Lapis Island are now a single island and constitute it’s own borough, called The Nether.

A new borough now exists, named Kings, which is based off of Queens.

The Nether (borough) is rebuilt, especially the area formerly known as Lapis Island. The previous buildings no longer exist save for the school.

The Fence Gate Bridge connecting the former Lapis Island and Ender Island has been destroyed to accommodate a new highway that connects The Nether, Minehattan, Ender Island, Notch City and Blocker via the Nether-Blockstone Bridge.

The Nether-Blockstone Bridge has been rebuilt, now based on the real life Bronx-Whitestone Bridge.

The JackFrost Bridge, which connects Uptown Minehattan to Notch City, has been rebuilt. It is now based on the George Washington Bridge.

A new bridge, the AntVenom-Narrows Bridge, now connects Blocker and Ender Island south of Minehattan, based on the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge.

A new bridge, the Kingsboro Bridge, now connects Blocker and Kings, situated above the tunnel (that was previously a road to nowhere). This bridge is based on the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge.

A new highway tunnel has been constructed, stretching from the Nether-Blockstone Bridge in The Nether, crossing Minehattan and eventually making it’s way to Kings.

JFR International Airport in Blocker has been destroyed. In it’s place is a new airport (which continues the JFR name, now officially lengthened to Jack F. Redstone International Airport, fictional of course) that is larger, more organized, and bears a striking resemblance to Terminal 4 at JFK in Queens. This airport has been moved from Blocker to Kings. New highways facilitate transportation.

A new central business district has been constructed in Blocker taking the place of the former airport. This effectively expands Downtown Blocker tremendously, making it much closer to modern Downtown Brooklyn.

McDonald’s Center in Downtown Brooklyn has been closed in preparation for renovation to be more accessible and realistic.

A new central business district has been constructed in Kings, named Small Island City. This is based off of Long Island City in Queens.

The MYC Subway system has closed in preparation for a complete reconstruction. Two stations and tunnels with the proposed designs are available for public viewing in Blocker.

The railway station in Notch City has been replaced with a new transportation center.

The historical district of Crawford on the outer rim of Notch City has been made according to the history of Mine York; as such, here are highly simplistic structures reminiscent of the first few versions of Mine York.

The Rochelle Gabriel Subsidized Housing Complex has been constructed north of Mine York, a trio of identical modern apartment buildings.

The City of Blockstone is being constructed north of The Nether where the Six Craft Amusement Park once stood.

Six Craft Amusement Park has been moved to a location closer to Enderdelphia (not complete).

Highways have been demolished and moved in Blocker to allow for new buildings and neighborhoods.

Minehattan has been given a new hospital complex; the MineYork-Presbyterian Hospital, affiliated with Bergensten University and MYU (to be built; suggestions for locations are welcome! Bergensten will be based off of Columbia and MYU on NYU).

The highway circling Minehattan has been moved underground and continues to operate as a tunnel.

Daily Square (Times Square) has been completely reconstructed to appear more modern and more like the real area. It is also connected to the rest of Midtown Minehattan more seamlessly due to Highway 1 being pushed underground.

The updated skyline of Mine York, with the new Creeper of Minecraft Statue to the left. In the 11.0.0 update, the city has been made taller.

The Nether, a new borough of the City of Mine York created from the merger of Lapis Island and Nether Island.

Skyscrapers in Midtown Minehattan, Mine York.

The future of the MYC Subway; a redesigned station entrance in Blocker. The MYC Subway is closed to enable a complete reconstruction, but two stations in Blocker are open for public viewing to show off the proposed design.

The new skyline of Blocker, the largest borough in the City of Mine York.

The skyline of Notch City, Minehattan, MY, and Nether Island, MY, from left to right. Notch City is it’s own consolidated city. The redesigned JackFrost Bridge is visible, based off of the George Washington Bridge.

Brownstones in Blocker, a staple that I’ve wanted to build in MYC for a long time.

The skyline of Kings, a brand new borough based on Queens. The buildings (which will be furnished in the next update) in the skyline are based off of the ones in Long Island City. The tennis stadium, Monosphere and World’s Fair pavilion have been moved to this borough.

The new Jack F. Redstone (JFR) International Airport, now more closely based off of Terminal 4 at JFK. It is now located in Kings rather than Blocker. It is not completely furnished yet, and the Main Train @JFR will be functional in the next update along with the reconstruction of the MYC Subway and MetroMYC commuter rail (which will have a connection to the airport from Grand Central).

Grand Central has been redesigned, reconstructed and moved to the east side of Minehattan, facilitating more tracks, more connections (including a true connection to the MYC Subway once the metro is complete) and more reliability. The Metlife Building also makes a return to MYC.

Taking it’s place at the former site of JFR Airport is Downtown Blocker, with new high rises (the tallest, based off of the upcoming 9 DeKalb Avenue, is the tallest in Mine York outside of Minehattan). The new AntVenom-Narrows Bridge connects Blocker to Ender Island, a new connection that did not previously exist.

A new highway bisecting The Nether. This highway connects The Nether to Minehattan, replacing the old bridge with a tunnel, and continues to Kings where it meets JFR Airport.

The skyline of Small Island City, Kings, with the new Kingsboro Bridge (based off the Queensboro Bridge) in the foreground.

The station mezzanine in the redesigned MYC Subway layout, created to be more similar to the NYC Subway system.

Platforms of the new MYC Subway. There are currently only two stations, with the next update focusing on making the reconstructed subway the main feature.

The redesigned Nether-Blockstone Bridge, based off of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge.

A view looking down from 5th Avenue in Minehattan, facing east towards Downtown Blocker.




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Topic starter Posted : 31/07/2019 3:56 pm