Minecraft 2016 (CLASSIC) Mini-Games Lobby Download (Java & Bedrock)
If you played on any of the Minecraft Console Editions back in the day you'll more than likely have either played or at least stood in the Minecraft Console Edition (CLASSIC) Mini-Games Lobby, this beautifully built lobby entirely designed by 4J studios was where all competitive or casual Minecraft Console Players challenged each other in either Battle Mode, Tumble or Glide. The was the place you'd either spend hours trying to escape from or find hidden secrets in, it was where you could meet other Minecraft players like yourself or show off your skills. Truly a nostalgic hangout area for all Minecraft Console Players old & new.
Jump back to a time before all Minecraft Servers became known for "Micro-transactions" & "Purchase these 20 generic skins" or "Buy our Battle Pass" This was for many Minecraft players their first-ever "Minecraft Server" experience. This Lobby was where you'd hunt for secrets, shoot buttons, turn swords & most of all try your very best to escape. Also yes, I'm using a Garfield skin with a doge hoodie you got a problem with that? ಠ_ಠ

For anyone who might mention "This isn't the Mini-Game Lobby I remember." well that's probably because this Lobby although very nostalgic to the Minecraft Console Edition Community wasn't around for very long in fact, this lobby was released alongside the first Mini-Game the Console Editions ever got (Battle Mode) on June 21st, 2016 but got replaced with the more widely remember "New Lobby" design just under a year later when the third & sadly final Mini-Game the Console Editions got (Glide) on March 18th, 2017.

Also for anyone wondering, both the Java & Bedrock Version's of this world are identical with them both having all their buttons, levers, swords & dispensers intact & all items are still in the dispensers/chests. (On the Bedrock Version sadly you'll need to add the fireworks as I couldn't bring myself to do it haha)

I hope you enjoy reliving the nostalgia of 2016 Minecraft Console Edition, if you do & appreciate me sharing this please do consider subscribing to my YouTube channel Catmanjoe & help me reach 100,000 Subscribers. 😀