Minecraft’s Got Talent (Fully Functional)
This is a fully functional AGT stage that has fully functional buzzers and has a texture pack to add AGT Buzzer sounds and re-textured vindicators to look like the one and only Simon Cowell You start off in Simon’s limo and enter the AGT Studio as you enter the AGT music starts playing as you pass the spectators then you sit in your judge chair as the acts start coming in
This map includes a functional set of “No” buzzers and a functional Golden Buzzer
This Map Resets and can be used over and over again
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Added Red Fireworks To 3 X's
Only On RolePlay Version not on filming because minecraft fireworks don't mix well with green screens
Download the map If The Texture Pack Is Not Installed Then Download It And Activate It
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfZDsSlhH84nFbHHl6hKaw?view_as=subscriber