Monster Industries
Green vs Purple, Who will win? Collect bones and paper purchase items and mobs and try and take out your opponent(s)
First person to 100 Stock wins or If they are locked in the respawn room via the Stock spending room.
Green vs Purple, Who will win? Collect bones and paper purchase items and mobs and try and take out your opponent(s)
The first person to 100 Stock wins or If they are locked in the respawn room via the Stock spending room.
Includes many mobs and items to purchase and spawn
Even includes a stock room, where you can purchase traps for the other team but be careful some of them work on you to…
No breaking blocks
No placing blocks
You may edit map and commands at your own risk
To reset game and map
Press the reset button and break all Redstone torches and Redstone blocks then replace all the iron bars and doors
Credits: Sleepycat895
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Simply open the file and select minecraft
creator: Sleepycat895