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MCPE/Bedrock Mystic Factions Map – DIY

Illustrious Member Admin

Mystic Factions Map – DIY


Mystic Factions realm, this is a DIY Factions realm. the spawn and some commands are done, But you have the freedom to make it your own.

The map has a starter kit, commands shop and loot keys, the map also comes with a donator kit.




Mystic Factions realm, this is a DIYI Factions realm. the spawn and some commands are done, But you have the freedom to make it your own. 

The map has a starter kit, commands shop and loot keys, the map also comes with a donator kit.

You will have to change some information about the map like Who created it. some commands may be outdated but are easy to fix,

The spawn is based of of a purple spawn – (

That’s the YouTube video that showed it off ^^^

If you can please make a area to put credit for JT Sidious On Xbox & Razmanion on Xbox We are the creators

we recommend you to make a discord for the server, That’s a good way to tell the news and make a more positive community

There is also a ID book in the shop, That book tells you how to sell/Buy spawner and colored wools and more.

To make your life easier I recommend using a keyboard (If you have one)

press (ctrl) + (button you use to pickblock) to copy command blocks with data All

commands are below spawn as well as a chest with admin gear and commands The world

size is 149 MB Runs

stable with a 10 person realm – Support as many players as your device can handle –

make looking for group post on Xbox to get more players

Video of how to make a good post (

*Free logo download*

—————————————————————————————————About my team Owner

JT Sidious on Xbox Co-owner Razmanion on Xbox


Discord – map support team Discord – ( ————————————————————-

Mystic Factions realm, this is a DIYI Factions realm. the spawn and some commands are done, But you have the freedom to make it your own.


The map has a starter kit, commands shop and loot keys, the map also comes with a donator kit.

You will have to change some information about the map like Who created it. some commands may be outdated but are easy to fix,

The spawn is based of of a purple spawn – (

That’s the YouTube video that showed it off ^^^

If you can please make a area to put credit for JT Sidious On Xbox & Razmanion on Xbox We are the creators

we recommend you to make a discord for the server, That’s a good way to tell the news and make a more positive community

There is also a ID book in the shop, That book tells you how to sell/Buy spawner and colored wools and more.

To make your life easier I recommend using a keyboard (If you have one)

press (ctrl) + (button you use to pickblock) to copy command blocks with data

All commands are below spawn as well as a chest with admin gear and commands


The world size is 149 MB

Runs stable with a 10 person realm –

Support as many players as your device can handle –

make looking for group post on Xbox to get more players

Video of how to make a good post

The link will bring you to a Ad, skip the Ad the you can download it

Yes the downloads Use adfly


About my team

Owner JT Sidious on Xbox

Co-owner Razmanion on Xbox


Discord – map support team Discord –

Images of the map –



 – Its just a download with ad

 – OLD spawn in compress folder called world

Discord – Join if you need support

more Images – want more images go check this out

Logo download

Downloads with no cover name – no hyper link


Added Installation description

Fix Download bug for some users 

added Supported Minecraft Versions

added link to complete map -

provided free logo - download



When you press download:


You will be redirected to;


Wait for 5 seconds and then press "Skip Ad" in the top right corner


it will open a google drive download from there


If you are on iOS/Android, press "Open in Minecraft"; if you are on Windows 10, press "Run";


You will be redirected to Minecraft;


The installation will begin, it usually takes less than 10 seconds to install.



Topic starter Posted : 15/10/2020 4:51 pm