Night Of The Living Dead
A fun mini-game map where you survive waves of zombies while you open and explore more areas to the map and getting better gear and finding out secrets of this mysterious building.
Night Of The Living Dead – Ver 0.6.0
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
( This map is not finished, so check me on Here for future updates!
( Please Leave A Comment On My Post Telling Me Any Issues/Problems With The Map
( Map Made By ThatOneCD [ ]
( For Anything Check Me Out!
In the mini game you survive waves of zombies when also getting and upgrading new weapons, opening doors to new areas of the map, still trying to survive at the same time.
If you are new to my maps, please play the tutorial. It will definitely assist you when playing the map.
Multiplayer is highly recommended, because its more easier and a lot more fun.
Future Plans: Currently this project has a few, make additional areas, more little content and bug fixes, and I want to make a story mode on it.
Newest Update: Quick Bug Patch, use this version instead of the last one due to their being a few map breaking bugs.
Last Update Notes: Big Update!
-added 2 new rooms
-new perks (Quickrevive, Staminup, Doubletap)
-fleshed out allready existing locations
-new mystery box items
-new wall weapons
-few new easter eggs(Keep an eye out, they are pretty cool :D)
-Lots Of Bug Fixes
-lots of other things too!
Please give check out this update it took me a bit of time to make…
If you see any bugs or issues please leave them in the comments below!
If You Spot Any Bugs Please Let Me Know And I’ll Fix Them!
Newest Update:
New Features:
-Changed respawn system to give you 15 seconds of invincibility instead of an egapple
-Removed "aw map" and replaced it with a new mysterious weapon (aw man is still in mystery box)
-Other Small easter eggs (;
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed zombies from not spawning in multiple barriers
-Fixed a barrier from not being rebuild-able
-Fixed second nuke from locking the gamemode in peaceful
-Other minor fixes to make your life easier