Player Hitbox Display – Works Through Walls!
Have you ever wanted to see another player’s hitbox, or even your own? With this pack, you can. Additionally, you can see player hitboxes through walls, see XYZ axis position, and better visualize head head rotation.
Unlike some currently existing hitbox resource packs out there, this pack preserves player position and does not transform the hitbox along with player rotation, authentic to the real hitbox; the display acts similarly to Java Edition (0.6 x 1.8). It also comes with extra utilities and features.
You can see hitboxes and the head ray cast of other players through walls. Additionally, the bottom corner of the hitbox shows an X axis (red), Y axis (green), and Z axis (blue) reference in respect to player position.
This resource pack functions fully on servers, such as Cubecraft, The Hive, and more.
The hitbox display also accommodates for the shift in hitbox size when the player is swimming.
This new update now includes an RGB setting for the hitbox model.
You can also choose different presets, the “Default” setting includes all features, the “Opaque hitbox collision” setting disables visibility through blocks, the “No head position ray” setting disables the head ray cast, and the “Rainbow hitbox” (new update) is self explanatory, it makes the hitbox rainbow color.
Additional notes: The hitbox visibility becomes tinted when the player equips armor, but still can be seen through solid surfaces.
Thanks to Stirante for helping me tweak the model materials.
My discord: ambient#2309
My discord server:
added rgb overlay, tweaked description, changed geo shortname to prevent log errors, tweaked hitbox size, cleaned up code. Tweaked material to show through other entity textures.