Republic of Peaceland – Septennium Edition
‘The Republic of Peaceland is one of the largest and most detailed maps so far created for Minecraft PE.’ —
Three cities in one world. Over a hundred buildings and skyscrapers with full interiors. Hospitals. Schools. Libraries. Suburbs. An offshore amusement park. A functioning underground metro system, and realistic infrastructure.
The Republic of Peaceland is a critically acclaimed, free-to-play creation map with over 200,000 downloads worldwide.
Download today to explore – and to experience – the life in a metropolis.
🛈 About the Septennium Edition
As its name suggests, the Septennium Edition is a commemorative release that marks the seventh founding anniversary of the City of Democratia on the 14th January 2021. But more importantly, this edition of the Republic of Peaceland is what would have been our cancelled 2018 release, update v4.5. This means the entire update was built before the Summer of 2018. We’d like to use this opportunity to explain why it took us over two years to release it.
We cancelled it in 2018 because we wanted to do something more with it.
We felt like we’ve got to the point where we were able to push Peaceland into the Minecraft Marketplace – and so, we teamed up with Antares BT to take Peaceland into the next level.
Still, v4.5 was a massive update: multiple cities, a functioning rapid transit system, full interiors, etc. In a sense, it was too good. We worried that by releasing it as a free-to-play map, we risk overlapping content with our future Marketplace edition, and that, more importantly, we would be pitting a very strong competition against ourselves.
Nonetheless, as the new Project Peaceland – our Marketplace initiative – grew further and further away from v4.5 of the Republic edition, those worries faded away, and we felt it was only appropriate that we finally release v4.5 as the Septennium Edition – not only to mark the city’s anniversary, but also as a statement: that even all of this serves as a mere glimpse of what Project Peaceland would be.
To those who have been following Peaceland since the very beginning, we offer our sincerest apologies for this two-year delay; and to those checking us out for the first time, make sure you follow us on Twitter, where our team continues to work tirelessly for our eventual Marketplace release in 2022 – something to look out for!
🛈 About the Republic of Peaceland
The Septennium Edition of the Republic of Peaceland was built by NickMiao0928 in 2018, with significant assistance from designbynxus, Kevin Chan, and other members of the International Association of Minecraft Architects (IAMA), which we helped co-found in November 2016. Visit our website to learn more.
There are three cities in the Republic of Peaceland.
City of Democratia
The City of Democratia is Peaceland’s capital and largest city. Founded on the 14th January 2014, the city spans over 200,000 square metres in area, as of April 2018.
By 2020, the City of Democratia has become the centrepiece of Project Peaceland, our upcoming Marketplace product, with yet another revamp and a four-fold expansion. Learn more about our new project below.
City of Austin
Founded on the 8th November 2014 as Hollywoodenplank, the City of Austin is the Republic of Peaceland’s second settlement, located in the mesa biome across the ocean from Democratia.
Off the shore of Uptown, Austin is also Peaceland’s famous Errorland amusement park. You may reach it by sea or by rail via the PRT metro system.
City of Queensland
Founded on the 19th June 2015 as Oasis, the City of Queensland is the Republic edition’s third settlement that lies on a plains biome, across the ocean west of Uptown, Austin.
🛈 Useful Information
System Map of the Peaceland Rapid Transit (PRT).
Formerly known as Democratia City Railways (DCR) and, in Project Peaceland, Democratia Rapid Transit (DRT). Note also that we’ve since renamed Ping On Station to Easthill.
District Map of the City of Democratia.
Note: both the City Southwark and Novus Airport remained plans that were never materialised. A version of the Novus Airport was built in v4.20. It was demolished to accommodate the city’s westward expansion.
🛈 Looking Ahead: Project Peaceland
Peaceland continues to be developed today as Project Peaceland by a larger team of five led by NickMiao0928 and managed by Kae, operating semi-independently the umbrella of Antares BT. Other members of the development team include designbynxus, Kevin Chan (both of whom were involved in the development of the Septennium Edition prior to 2018), and Brian YCL. It is expected to be completed and released on the Minecraft Marketplace by 2022!
Follow us on Twitter, or visit our website to learn more about the history of Peaceland and our future developments!
- Civic Square, Queens
- Cremello Bridge
- Chinatown (Shops incomplete)
- City Hospital, Queens
- Democratia Fire Brigade, Headquarters and Northbound Station
- Democratia Law Courts Complex
- Democratia Tower (entrance incomplete)
- Diplomacy Park, Riverfront
- Easthill PRT Station
- Embassies -Astoria,Lexerland, US (@USGovernment20),HighBlock, andJhayville
- Harbour Condos, Riverfront
- National Trust Headquarters, Queens
- Northbound Bus Terminus (development incomplete)
- Oceanwalk (East Wing)
- Peaceland Broadcasts Ltd (PLB) Headquarters urban renewal
- Peaceland Rapid Transit (PRT) Headquarters
- PRT Depot - Underground and Skytrain bydesignbynxus
- Queens College, Queens
- Queens Skytrain Station
- Queens Road North Resting Area
- Rainbow Elementary, Westbound
- Riverfront Municipal Centre - incl. Auditorium, Community Centre, Government Offices, and Riverfront Avenue Market
- Southgate Heights (Arcade incomplete), Riverfront
- Westbound Road Resting Area
- Westbound Hotel byKevin Chan, Westbound
- Westend Bridge