Slendrina: The Cellar 1 [Horror] [Adventure] [Survival]
She’s back but in another world
And she’s challenging you to visit her cellar
Do you accept her challenge?
Well let see if you can play this map till end.
This map is based on the original game of SLENDRINA THE CELLAR created by DVloper
This is the first part of Slendrina (Cellar 1) where you need to find 8 old books to escape from Slendrina you also need to find keys to open several doors, look around as soon as you see Slendrina, Never look back
Slendrina the cellar is a slender like horror game
Originally from DVloper
This map is just the Cellar 1
If you expect cellar 1 to 3 I’m so sorry cause if I combined cellar 1, cellar 2, and cellar 3 the world will crash or maybe it won’t work properly
Cellar 2 and Cellar 3 is coming soon
Coming Soon Features:
- Restart buttoon
- Items will spawn in random place
- The game will restart when Slendrina Killed you
How to play?
- Try to find 8 missing old books in the dark cellar and then run to the exit.
- You also need to find keys to unlock locked doors
- Look around as soon as you see Slendrina
- To collect books just stand near on it and you will automatically obtained it
- To collect keys just stand in front of it and you will automatically obtained it !Do not click the key(s) on the wall That is just a painting!
- Do not place or break any block!
- Play only on adventure mode
- This map is not made for multiplayer mode!
- If possible, Please avoid jumping cause the lighting is not properly optimized
- Do not take any items on armor stands
- Do not kill armor stands
- Do not use any command especially /tp, /give, /gamemode, /effect, /gamerule, and /kill command you can play this map in creative mode when you finished the game
For Better experience follow this settings:
- HUD Opacity 0-30%
- Sensitivity 20-35%
- Brightness 80-100%
- Volume 80-100%
- Hide Hand On/True
- Auto Jump Off/False
- Minecraft 1.16.x.x+
- Strong device [Mobile]
This Map is not for multiplayer mode thrust me we already tested it, cause if you play it in multiplayer mode only one of you will be randomize to be chosen to collect books and keys for short only one of you can collect books and keys but Slendrina will also choose a player to be her victims and the another player can see Slendrina in his back so that player can warn the person that Slendrina is on his back so the game will no longer to be scary it will become funny but in next update I’ll try my best to make it able to play in multiplayer mode thank you for understanding but if you want to play with your friend(s) go ahead but now you know what you’ll expect
Watch my Trailer:
Explore the dark cellar
Try to find 8 old missing books
She will do everything to stop you
- file download link updated
- no other update added
Click the link below to start download
After downloading complete tap the file and you will be directed to your minecraft app and it will automatically install
After installation complete you can now play this map