
MCPE/Bedrock Storag...
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MCPE/Bedrock Storage Bid Wars

Illustrious Member Admin

Storage Bid Wars

Storage Bid Wars is a minigame where you bid for storages to get items. There is a auctioneer that announces if the bid is success. When someone bids, the auctioneer says "do I hear (number higher than the bid)",if no one responded auctioneer needs to say "going once", "going twice", and that is the last chance of the players. If the auctioneer says "going thrice", the storage was now sold to the player bids the highest.




Everybody had 200 starter emeralds. Auctioneer has 6 levers for the 6 storages. Bid for storages and get items that can be traded for loot. Beacons will guide you to the 6 storages. 

Each item had points:

Coal = 2 points

Iron = 7 points

Gold = 10 points

Quartz = 14 points

Redstone = 20 points

Diamond = 24 points

Cobblestone = 30 points

Lapis Lazuli = -5 points

Granite = -8 points

This map is for loot and you can choose any map to fight on. Here is the looting system:


6 points = Netherite piece of armor or weapon

5 points = Diamond piece of armor or weapon

5 points = Golden Apple

4 points = Iron piece of armor or weapon

3 points = Chain piece of armor or Stone piece of weapon

3 points = Bow (with normal arrows only)

2 points = Leather piece of armor or Wooden piece of weapon

1 point = Gold piece of armor or weapon

When you get your loot you can fight and have fun 🙂



What's New:

New map download including Marvel Heroes like Spiderman, Thor, Deadpool and many more.(You can still download the original version of Storage Bid Wars)



Topic starter Posted : 10/04/2021 12:58 pm