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MCPE/Bedrock Stronghold Below: Lady Dertch Edition

Illustrious Member Admin

Stronghold Below: Lady Dertch Edition

1.18 update! STORY: The City of Enderville has flourished, and you are the new Mayor! The people have been promised a benevolent leader with the kindnesses and qualities of Lady Dertch… but will you also fulfil the local prophecy about a dragon fight? You CAN, on day one!


Stronghold Below: Lady Dertch Edition is a survival spawn template for Minecraft bedrock edition. Achievements are on because everything was earned and created using only survival mode. Features a safe and secure stronghold entry with an unlit portal and ALL 12 Eyes of Ender!

You can expect:

Starter gear for 3 players + welcome book
Secure city: fully lit, mobs can’t enter or leave
Large population of free villagers
Bright + colorful remodeled interiors
Flowers + overgrown trees everywhere
9 sq. Km of locator maps: copy + explore
Auto smelter: set it + forget it
Nether access at debris level
Blaze spawner access
Skeleton grinder
Villager-driven natural farm
Bamboo, sugar cane, netherwart, lots of honey
Full enchanting table + lapis lazuli + books
Lady Dertch’s personal armor + items
Every single other valuable item we’ve earned
Mine access to Y=-55 in seconds
STRONGHOLD BELOW: walk straight to the portal and place the last eye

NOTE: World is set to Peaceful by default, but world spawn is secure for starting in Hard mode.



Added my own .mcWorld file                                                                                


Topic starter Posted : 26/01/2022 7:37 pm