This is likely the final update that this map will receive. I have pretty much run out of build ideas for this map. I may return to this build at some time in the future, but for now, “That’s all folks”.
If any of you have any ideas for builds that work with what what is already constructed, please comment below.
This (final?) update focuses entirely on the Bastion that I had started to repair in the last release.
°main part of Bastion totally rebuilt.
°floor heights evened out.
°cosmetic improvements made to wall facing the courtyard.
°new walkways on all levels.
°restored Bastion extended to integrate with Rampart section of Bastion.
°Rampart has now been extensively repaired with mended passage ways and climbable staircases.
°new observation points and rooms have been added.
°upper part (above loot chest level) of rampart has been completely rebuilt. I have used “artistic licence” here as nobody knows what an intact Bastion looks like.
See description for full list of changes in this version.