The Morphing Machine
The Morphing Machine is a Map that has a Redstone machine that allows you to transform into a mob of your choice. To do this you must flick the lever on the machine that is labelled with the name of the Mob. The way it works is by summoning a mob and constantly making it teleport to you at a rate of about 30 times per second. Due to Minecraft’s few limits, it may not look smooth if you move very quickly.
Made by WeetaBiscuits
Help from MMike08100
Because of the size of some of the mobs, it is hard you flick the lever to turn it off. The pressure plate is there to get rid of any mobs that make it hard to turn of the machine.
The mobs you can turn into are:
Fish (Cod)
Iron Golem
I will update this map if it gets 2000 downloads.
If you go far away from the machine you will lose the effect
The mob will not face in the same direction as you, I will work on this in future updates
Please review the map nicely!
creator: The Yo-Yows