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Tower of Hell
Maybe you know the game called “Tower of Hell” on Roblox, well, now you can play it on Minecraft!
I created this map because I spent several hours on it and I loved this game, so I had the idea to re-create it on Minecraft.
Version : 1.0.0
This map has 5 sections but all of these aren’t in the original game, I’ve just created new sections.
PS: Dont worry, I will create more sections in the next updates
The Tower
Red section
Light blue section
Pink section
Black section
Gray section
The top
Credits to UnheardLlama591 for helping me to build this map
1.0.1 Update
- Now you spawn in the tower
This update is just a fix but I going to add more sections in the next update
creator: InfernoDragon33
Topic starter Posted : 28/12/2020 1:17 pm